Launch of the SDGs Kenya Forum

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (SDGs) adopted during the 70th United Nations General Assembly comprises of a set of 17 goals addressing cross cutting sectors that aim towards the realization of sustainable development globally: economic prosperity, social welfare, political development and environmental sustainability. With its broad inputs, the 2030 agenda for sustainable development opens access and inclusivity to ensure no one is left behind and that all development actors are collectively engaged during implementation. The SDGs provides a framework for development actors to collaboratively advance various issues such as environmental sustainability, clean energy, education, food security, health including sexual and reproductive health and rights, poverty eradication, peaceful and inclusive societies, advance gender equality and address inequalities.
In 2016, with on-going global efforts to finalize the formulation of the indicators, opportunity presents for collaboration and consolidation of efforts towards its implementation. National governments and other stakeholders including civil society, private sector and UN Agencies are gearing towards implementation. There is an urgent need to develop mechanisms for cultivating political will, tracking indicators’ progress, collecting and analyzing data, strengthening national accountability structures and mobilizing financial resources.
The launch of the SDGs Kenya Forum and dissemination of the “Analysis of SDGs Vs Regional and National Development Frameworks” is convened by over 20 CSOs in Kenya. The Forum will be attended by representatives of government ministries, UN, CSOs, private sector, development partners, academia, youth and development think tanks from across Kenya. The SDGs Kenya Forum is a platform resulting from a transition process by Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) who came together about 3 years ago as the Kenya CSOs Reference Group on Post-2015.
Twitter hashtags to engage/ follow: #SDGsKenya, #TheAfricaWeWant, #LeaveNoOneBehind, #2030Agenda
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