Liebster Award Nomination
We’re honored to have been nominated for the Liebster Award by Natural Woman of Your Daughters Will Be Next.
Below, we have answers to the 11 Questions which she posed to us:
1) What do you want to be when you grow up?
A house-hold name, and a legend.
2) What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done?
Dissolved the board.
3) Are you a feminist? Why (not)?
YES – because women and girls hold up half the sky, and because I want to live in a just world where men and women, girls and boys across all social categories access equal opportunities, are treated the same, and no one is discriminated against or abused because of their gender, race, religion, ethnicity, abilities, dwelling, background and age..
4) What’s the most humbling experience you’ve had in your life?
Being part of the GEAR Campaign which gave rise to UN Women.
5) Which woman do you most admire?
Women who have limited resources and still manage to make ends meet through innovation – mostly grassroots and rural women who are given too little credit.
6) Why did you start blogging?
As a way to reach a new audience – one that we may not otherwise have reached – to share information, ideas and strategies, and keep up with changing times and realities.
7) Do any of your favorite films pass the Bechtel Test?
All of our favorite films pass the Bechtel Test because; all of them have women featured, women who speak to each other, and speak to each other about something other than men!
8) Please recommend some comedians?
Maysoon Zayid, Mo’Nique, Ellen DeGeneres, Margaret Cho
9) Which sexist, racist, ablest or otherwise bigoted aspect of popular culture would you most like to see mocked?
The culture of teaching us how not to get raped as opposed to how not to rape
10) In your opinion, which beauty product is the most useless?
The bleaching ones
11) In your opinion, which current governmental policy in your country is even more useless than your answer to point 10, and what can we do about it?
We’ll have to get back to you on that – but plenty of them that make provisions for censorship, that require journalists to disclose their sources, policies that prevent women and girls from inheriting and owning land, policies that allow governments to carry out torture and horrendous acts of aggression in the name of “security and sovereignty” …. The list goes on.
We nominate the following 11 blogs:
- Aliben86
- MsAfropolitan
- African Political Thought
- Black Looks
- AfricaIsACountry
- Conversations4Change
- Mad Kenyan Woman
- Chef Afrik
- Madomasi
- Gukira
- Africa Youth Deliver
Bloggers – we have 11 Questions for you to answer, please share your answers with us as we’d love to know…
The questions
- If money wasn’t an object, where would you be right now?
- If you had a choice, what would you be doing right now? (Activity or career)
- What is your favorite thing about being a human? (You can also answer as a woman/man)
- Your worst?
- One pet peeve that you would like abolished in the world?
- What is your greatest fear?
- Which woman/women would you like to meet if given the opportunity? Why?
- Share three things that are on your bucket list – one which you have accomplished, one you’re in the process of accomplishing, and one you hope to cross off in the near future
- What’s the bravest thing that you have done?
- Your greatest accomplishment?
- What legacy would you like to leave behind before you pass on?
If you want to participate, please answer the 11 questions above, nominate 11 other blogs and pose 11 new questions of your own – on your own blogs. Please share your posts with us as we’re curious to know your take on our questions =)