Report: Pre-CSW62 Africa Regional Strategy Meeting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
From February 19th to 20th 2018, over 70 representatives from women’s rights organizations, activists, and advocates from across 20 African countries came together in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to co-create the African common position, including policy recommendations and key messages, for the Commission on the Status of Women convening (CSW62) to be held on 12-23 March 2018 in New York. The priority theme of the CSW62 is “Challenges and Opportunities in Achieving Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Rural Women and Girls.” The review theme is “Participation in and Access of Women to the Media, and Information and Communications Technologies and their Impact on and Use as an Instrument for the Advancement and Empowerment of Women.”
Click to Download/ Read/ Share the Report of the Pre-CSW62 African Women’s Strategy Meeting