Join The Movement: Support a Strong ILO Convention to End Violence & Harassment in the Workplace
“I count on my government to fully support the adoption of an effective and impactful ILO Convention and Recommendation on ending violence and harassment in the world of work, with a strong focus on gender-based violence, at the 108th Session of the International Labour Conference in June 2019”
From 10th to 21st June 2019, governments and representatives of trade unions and employer associations will be meeting in Geneva for the 108th International Labour Conference. Top on the agenda will be the second discussion, with a view to adopt the proposed Convention on Ending Violence and Harassment in the World of Work, supplemented with a Recommendation.
Sign on this Online Petition and join in urging your government to support the adoption of a strong and inclusive ILO Convention and Recommendation on End Violence and Harassment at the Workplace.