Women’s Power, Realities & Resilience amidst COVID-19
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread across the globe (data from worldmeters.info on 2nd September 2020 stands at 25,904,605 coronavirus cases in the world), there have been analyses and projections indicating the immense toll and consequences the pandemic has and will have in Africa. From severe economic consequences to lives and livelihoods that are at high risk, rising and deepening inequalities, and worsening violations of human rights in different response plans, without a shadow of a doubt, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to disrupt and devastate the lives of all, with women and girls across Africa being most impacted. In this issue of FEMNET’s E-bulletin, we share with you various COVID-19 response plans and recovery strategies in Africa, by Africans for Africa. We also share brief highlights and updates from the FEMNET Secretariat as well as regional and global news, plus calls for actions and events to watch out for in the coming days – to influence and contribute to the process and content/agenda. As always, feel free to keep sharing with us your news/ updates to be featured in the next issue of the E-bulletin, sent on email to Julie on email j.okiro@femnet.or.ke by the 25th of every month.
This E-Bulletin has been produced with the financial support of FEMNET’s development partners including the Embassy of Sweden in Lusaka, Zambia and the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of FEMNET and do not necessarily reflect the views of our development partners’.
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