Generation Equality Forum, Paris: Opening Ceremony
FEMNET is calling on Her Members to host the Generation Equality Forum Opening Ceremony that will take place on 30th June, 2021.
Time: 4:00pm – 7:30pm (EAT), 3:00pm – 6:30pm (SAST), 1:00pm – 4:30pm (WAT)
Identify appropriate venue which will:
- Allow you to observe COVID protocols
- Provide a good/big screen with strong internet so you can watch the Generation Equality Opening Ceremony
- Provide writing materials for use in writing your personal commitments on the selfie card
- Provide light snacks and refreshments
- Invite diverse stakeholders, example, teenage girls, women with disability, government officials, donors, private sector etc
- Ensure you bring along your own organization branded items to enhance your organization visibility during the party.
- Print branding material, shared by FEMNET:
- Download GEF Selfie Cards HERE and follow instructions on how to take and share selfies during the Opening Ceremony
- Download and Print GEF posters (A1, A3, A4)
Selfie Card Instructions:
- Print your selfie card
- Write your personal commitment in the space provided in the card
- Raise your hand up high.
- Hold your selfie card
- Take a picture
- Share on social media with #GenerationEqualityAfrica and tag FEMNET on our official handle, @FemnetProg
During the Opening Ceremony:
- Print the posters and use them to create a background that will be used for taking pictures during the session
- Before the opening session start, as the participants join the watch party, encourage them to take a picture with the GEF poster in the background.
- Collectively follow the opening session, encourage participants to tweet and post what is being said using the Hashtag #GenerationEqualityAfrica and remember to tag us on the FEMNET handle (@FemnetProg).
- Take note of key commitments made.
- Ensure the session is recorded and post pictures during the session using #GenerationEqualityAfrica
- At the end of the opening session, invite participants to reflect on the session and their key take away.
- Record and post participants reactions of the session using the #GenerationEqualityAfrica
- Agree on the joint follow up actions.
- Share with FEMNET a 2-minute video of GEF Opening Ceremony and email to femnetprog@gmail.com.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is being watched?
The opening ceremony will bring together diverse community members to watch the opening ceremony of the Generation Equality Forum which is being held in Paris France, from the 30th June 2021 to 2nd July 2021. More information about the forum can be found HERE
What date and time is the opening ceremony in my country?
The opening ceremony will be broadcast live on 30th June 2021. The time is 3pm – 6pm (EAT), 2pm – 5pm (SAST), 12pm – 3pm (WAT)
Who should you invite for the opening ceremony?
It is important that you have a diverse group of people in the room during the opening ceremony. As such women, girls, people living with disability should not be left behind.
How does this event contribute to the GEF agenda?
The event provides an opportunity for those who are not able to attend GEF sessions to take note of the commitments being made, reflect on the actions that their governments have committed to and make appropriate follow up through their advocacy and policy influencing work. Read more about the commitments HERE