COP26 must Engage Women and Girls to Save the Earth! – A Communique’ by Pan-African Feminists to COP26
We, pan-African feminists speaking out for Africa’s women and girls ahead of the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26), want unequivocally inclusive climate actions on the needs and priorities of Africa’s women and girls to ensure climate justice.
We, pan-African feminists, from the world’s second largest and second most populous continent reiterate the urgency for a more comprehensive COP26 where Africa’s population of 1.3 billion people is equally prioritized. Even more specifically is Africa’s most vulnerable community of women and children who largely continue to suffer the brunt of climate change.
Unless COP26 focusses on Africa’s women & children, the pursuit for Climate Justice will remain a mirage.
As Africa’s women and children, we categorically direct this statement to global heads of state, policy makers and implementers, researchers and civil society meeting in Glasgow without fear of contradiction; there can never be Climate Justice without gender justice; gender equality and women’s rights must be the heart of COP26.