Reclaiming a Transformative agenda for Gender! – January 2023 e-Bulletin
Hello, Happy New Year and Welcome to January’s issue of the E- Bulletin. In this issue we share with you a rundown of the 2022 highlights, and we will also share with you the share opportunities and spaces that continue to shape and contribute to dismantling the status quo and co-creating a just, equal, and transformative world for all.
Read on and check out the regional briefs and call for action. As always, we are happy to hear from you. Do send us an email to j.okiro@femnet.or.ke for any additional information and/ or clarification on the E-Bulletin.
Reclaiming a Transformative Agenda for Gender!
A new year and a fresh start for the African Women’s Development and Communications Network (FEMNET) and the Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) as they meto plan for the Advancing Gender Equality through Civil Society (AGECS) project.
The project meeting marked the genesis of another year, 2023 to nuance gender equality and women’s empowerment among the select Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Madagascar, and Mozambique.
Whereas women continue to be underrepresented across the continent, the necessity for inclusivity for their political, social, and economic growth remains a trivial matter. Implementing the project is therefore timely as it promotes equality while challenging archaic patriarchal and political norms to make room for gender-responsive policies. Click on this link to read more
Click here to Read/Download the January 2023 e-bulletin
This E-Bulletin has been produced with the financial support of FEMNET’s development partners including the Embassy of Sweden in Lusaka, Zambia and the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of FEMNET and do not necessarily reflect the views of our development partners’.
Reconquérir un programme de transformation pour le genre – Bulletin électronique de janvier 2023
Bonjour, bonne année et bienvenue dans le numéro de janvier de notre bulletin électronique. Dans ce numéro, nous partageons avec vous un aperçu des faits saillants de 2022, et nous partagerons également avec vous les opportunités et les espaces de partage qui continuent de façonner et de contribuer à démanteler le statu quo et à co-créer un monde juste, égal et transformateur pour tous.
Poursuivez votre lecture et consultez les notes d’information régionales et l’appel à l’action. Comme toujours, nous sommes heureuses d’avoir de vos nouvelles. Envoyez-nous un e-mail à j.okiro@femnet.or.ke pour toute information et/ou clarification supplémentaires sur le Bulletin Electronique.