  • By FEMNET | 21 Oct 2014

Statement of The African Women’s Groups at the Fourth Conference on Climate Change and Development in Africa: Marrakech, Morocco

Africa Can Feed Africa PREAMBLE We, the African Women Groups who gathered in the Marrakech, the city of

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  • By FEMNET | 25 Jun 2014

Major Groups and Stakeholders Bring Civil Society Perspectives to Inaugural UN Environment Assembly (UNEA)

The shaping of the sustainable development goals (SDGs), the illegal trade in wildlife, and sustainable consumption and production

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  • By FEMNET | 05 Jun 2014

The Global Day for Action for Our Environment: Raise Your Voices, Not the Sea Level

Today as we mark World Environment Day (WED) 2014, the maxim “we do not inherit the earth from

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  • By FEMNET | 18 Feb 2014

Climate-Smart Agriculture is Improving the Lives of Millions in the World

The Climate-smart agriculture – Success stories from farming communities around the world  published by the CGIAR Research Program on

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  • By FEMNET | 28 Jan 2014

2014, The Year for Collective Climate Action: We are Watching!

Climate change is now a lived reality in many countries – what with the drastic and detrimental effects

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  • By FEMNET | 27 Sep 2013

Towards Gender-Responsive Climate Change Policies and Initiatives: the UNFCCC Goal of Gender Balance

In the last twenty years, gender equality has increasingly been recognized as a critical crosscutting issue in major

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  • By FEMNET | 27 Aug 2013

Urge your National Government to Submit to UNFCCC Secreatariat Proposed Ways to Advance the Goal of Gender Balance

At its eighteenth session, the COP adopted a decision on promoting gender balance and improving the participation of

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  • By FEMNET | 20 Aug 2013

~ Proposed Views & Options to Advance the UNFCCC Decision (23/CP18) on Gender Balance ~

On 25th July 2013, a Roundtable discussion spearheaded by IEWM and co-organized in partnership with CCN-Kenya, PACJA and

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  • By FEMNET | 22 Jun 2012

“The future we hope for…”

Hannah Ondiek, FEMNET Communications Intern The Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, taking place in Rio de

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  • By FEMNET | 05 Jun 2012

The Future We Want in Africa is one that Includes All!

By Hannah Ondiek, Communication Intern African Women’s Development and Communication Network (FEMNET) 5th June 2012 is the World

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