  • By femnet | 28 Apr 2021

I Chose Me

I chose new beginnings I chose to make peace Peace with my mind, body and soul I chose

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  • By femnet | 20 Apr 2021

120+ Organizations Sign On A Letter Congratulating Her Excellency, President Samia Suluhu Hassan

Your Excellency President Samia Suluhu Hassan, the sixth president of the Republic of Tanzania since her independence in

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  • By femnet | 16 Apr 2021

La Zone de Libre-échange Continentale Africaine (ZLECAF) et les Femmes : Une Analyse Féministe Panafricaine

La zone de libre-échange continentale africaine (ZLECAF) est sans doute le sujet commercial le plus important qui se

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  • By femnet | 16 Apr 2021

The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) and Women: A Pan African Feminist Analysis

The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) is arguably the most important trade-related issue currently taking place on

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  • By femnet | 14 Apr 2021

Mars, le mois mondial de la femme!

Le mois de mars, considéré comme le mois mondial de la femme, a été très chargé ! De

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  • By femnet | 14 Apr 2021

March, the Global Women’s Month!

The month of March, known as the Global Women’s Month, was a full one! From the International Women’s

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  • By femnet | 30 Mar 2021

No Double Standards! Kenyan Politicians must Walk the Talk for Equal Representation in all Leadership Levels

There’s an Ethiopian proverb that says “When a woman rules, streams run uphill.” Indeed, women are the backbone

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  • By femnet | 30 Mar 2021

International Women’s Day: Impact of the pandemic on women

The gendered effects of the Covid-19 pandemic have left many women struggling. Existing inequalities have been magnified and

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  • By FEMNET | 29 Mar 2021

Mexico Here We Come!

The Generation Equality Forum kicks off on Monday 29th March 2021 to 31st March 2021 in Mexico City,

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  • By femnet | 24 Mar 2021

Dismantle Power Imbalances on the Job Interview Panels

Have you ever been in an interview and you wonder whether you walked into or logged into (now

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  • By femnet | 17 Mar 2021

The Audacity to Disrupt Macro-level Economics

In 2017, The African Women’s Development and Communication Network (FEMNET) hosted the first African Feminist Macroeconomic Academy (AFMA).

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  • By FEMNET | 12 Mar 2021

African Women’s CSW65 Advocacy Position and Recommendations

The African Women’s CSW65 Advocacy Position and Recommendations were developed following a virtual consultation with over 300 women’s

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