  • By FEMNET | 12 Jun 2017

#SRHRDialogues Blog series – Mozambique Spotlight

    Question; Quais são os principais direitos de saúde, reprodutivos e sexuais que afligem às mulheres jovens

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  • By FEMNET | 12 Jun 2017

Young Women Stand Up be Counted: Our Key Priorities

Maputo, Mozambique, 12th June 2017—–We the young women of Mozambique, coming from different organizations, working as individual activists, 

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  • By FEMNET | 02 Jun 2017

Reflecting on SRHR Conversations and Contentions at the 2017 ARFSD

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (also known as the SDGs) unanimously adopted in September 2015 by the

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  • By FEMNET | 15 May 2017

African Women's Key Priorities & Strategic Roadmap towards Safeguarding Gains in the 2030 Agenda (SDGs)

Safeguarding Our Gains: African Women’s Collective Action on Defining the Pathway to Achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable [...]

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  • By FEMNET | 10 May 2017

FEMNET welcomes a newly elected Board of Directors

The Pan African Women’s Development and Communications network, FEMNET, has welcomed a new Board of Directors to help

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  • By FEMNET | 25 Apr 2017

African Women Pushing for FULL Implementation of 2030 Agenda (SDGs) #FemmeAfricaSDGs

This very first convening of FEMNET members and women’s rights organizations generally across Africa to collectively deliberate and

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  • By FEMNET | 20 Mar 2017

Finding Womankind’s role in supporting the African women’s rights movement

Laura Brown – 17th March 2017 This month, I am camping out at the offices of FEMNET –

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  • By FEMNET | 17 Mar 2017

Of photos of African women on the dollar & women’s economic participation

In this 21st Century, we have lived to see women walk in space, fly aero planes, operate mean

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  • By FEMNET | 09 Mar 2017

FEMNET @ CSW61 – Join us for the Side Event on Illicit Financial Flows & its Impact on Women & Girls in Africa

Globally, Illicit Financial Flows (IFFs) are defined as the unrecorded and mostly untaxed illicit leakage of capital and

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  • By FEMNET | 08 Mar 2017

#BeBoldForChange; Team Fab Feminists at the Global Goals World Cup

On Sunday 5th March, FEMNET was part of 28 regional teams of passionate young women and girls that

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  • By FEMNET | 22 Feb 2017

A Glance at FEMNET in 2016: Our Engagements, Moments & Contributions

FEMNET reflects on some strategic moments, processes and spaces in 2016 that we were part of influencing and

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  • By FEMNET | 10 Nov 2016

CSO Nairobi Declaration on the Nairobi HLM2

We, the Participants at the Pan African CSO conference on  “CSO Preparatory meeting towards the second high level

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