  • By FEMNET | 28 Nov 2019

FEMNET SRHR Media Training Manual

Comprehensive and accurate media reporting on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) has not been easy as

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  • By FEMNET. | 04 Nov 2019

PRESS RELEASE: Governments must deliver on the promises made to women in Beijing 25 years ago

African women will not relent until the “Beijing” Commitments are fully achieved Addis Ababa 1st November 2019 –

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  • By FEMNET | 04 Mar 2019

Key Regional & Global Advocacy Platforms to Follow/Engage with in March 2019

In March 2019, here  are some key advocacy platforms at regional and global levels that we invite you

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  • By FEMNET | 23 Jan 2019

Key Regional & Global Advocacy Platforms to Follow/Engage with in February 2019

In February 2019, here  are some key advocacy platforms at regional and global levels that we invite you

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  • By FEMNET | 17 Jan 2019

Faits Saillants de FEMNET 2018

Chers membres, chers partenaires et chers amis, Au moment où l’année 2018 touche à sa fin, je suis

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  • By FEMNET | 17 Jan 2019

FEMNET 2018 Highlights

Dear Members, Partners & Friends, Happy & Spectacular 2019! I’m excited and truly grateful for your unwavering support

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  • By FEMNET | 03 Dec 2018

Civil Society Joint Declaration on Responding to the Attacks on the Independence of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR) in Banjul, the Gambia

National, regional & global Civil Society Organizations endorse statement calling for the protection of the ACHPR (The Banjul

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  • By FEMNET | 28 Nov 2018

Statement from the Pre-Youth Summit ahead of the 2nd African Girls Summit

Her Excellency the First Lady of Ghana, … We, the young people of the youth pre-summit of the

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  • By FEMNET | 14 Nov 2018

Appel à des résumés: Journal de la Femme Africaine – 2018

NB: Nous avons reporté la date limite de soumission des résumés au 3 décembre 2018. L’avenir nous appartient:

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  • By FEMNET | 13 Nov 2018

Call for Abstracts: The Future Belongs to Us – Revisiting African Women and Girls’ SRHR

 African Women’s Journal (AWJ): Deadline for Submission of Abstracts: 3rd December 2018   The Future Belongs to Us:

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  • By FEMNET | 25 May 2018

“Finance gender equality if you are truly committed to development in Africa” WROs tell Donors

Nairobi, 25th May 2018: The global donor community and international development partners must re-affirm their commitment to gender

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  • By FEMNET | 24 May 2018

Communique: Call to #FundHerAfrica by East African Women’s Rights Organizations

COMMUNIQUE:- From the 22nd to the 23rd of May 2018 thought-leaders from diverse women’s rights organisations (WROs) and

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