  • By FEMNET | 09 Nov 2015

The Africa We Want – AWJ Issue VII

Much of the global development in the past decade and a half has been pegged on the Millennium

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  • By FEMNET | 09 Nov 2015

Pan-Africanism & the Women's Movement – AWJ Issue VI

Pan-Africanism & the Women’s Movement In this sixth issue, we continue to keep the African Women’s Decade Alive

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  • By FEMNET | 09 Nov 2015

Rising Africa – Myth or Reality?

By Fatma Mohamed Alloo Addis Ababa was a busy hub with the Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue on Pan Africanism and

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  • By FEMNET | 09 Nov 2015

Pan-African Values & Sources of Pride

By Njoki Wainaina Introduction On May 22 and 23, 2013, a group of over 100 Pan-Africanist women, men,

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  • By FEMNET | 08 Nov 2015

PR: African Women Convene to Deliberate and Strategize on Political Leadership

Press Release April 24, 2014 For Immediate Release African Women Convene to Deliberate and Strategize on Political Leadership

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  • By FEMNET | 08 Nov 2015

The Africa Women Want Beyond 2015

Press Release For Immediate Release Addis Ababa, January 24 2014 The Africa Women Want Beyond 2015 Women’s rights

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  • By FEMNET | 05 Aug 2015

An Alternative Global Economic Order: Can it ever be achieved?

By Ms Tafadzwa Muropa* The Third International Conference on Financing for Developmet (FfD3) held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,

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  • By FEMNET | 25 May 2015

Who does Justice and Privilege belong to?

By Nyaguthii Wangui Maina* [This is a series of blog posts on the African Feminist Strategy meeting on

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  • By FEMNET | 28 Apr 2015

Going Back to the Drawing Board – Linking Pan Africanism to Beijing +20

Reflecting on my participation at the 8th Pan African Congress held a month ago in Accra, Ghana, it

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  • By FEMNET | 18 Feb 2015

Rainatou Sow On #AWDReport2014 #myAWD

As Make Every Woman count celebrated the launch of AWDReport2014, we caught  up with the founder and director

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  • By FEMNET | 06 Feb 2015

Change MustBe Accelerated to End Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in One Generation

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) involves the partial or total removal of the female genitalia. It is an extreme

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  • By FEMNET | 28 Jan 2015

Implement #MaputoProtocol NOW!

The Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa

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