Over the last eight years FEMNET has been advancing women’s economic justice and rights through advocacy, research and capacity strengthening initiatives. These efforts aim to challenge mainstream economic orthodoxies that perpetuate gendered inequalities. Our goal is to contribute to the attainment of socio-economic rights for African women and girls by reimagining feminist alternatives for just, rights-based economies on the African continent. Our Economic Justice and Rights programme convenes movement building across its network and partners, focusing on strengthening linkages between women’s rights organisations, activists and feminist economists to advance macroeconomic policy shifts and regional, continental and international levels.
Our economic themes that we work on:

  • Tax Justice for women and girls: This work unpacks how fiscal policies such as austerity measures, curbing illicit financial flows directly impact women’s rights and advances transformative gender-inclusive tax frameworks.
  • The Care Economy: This work seeks to understand the contours of the care economy across Africa, and advance economic policies that recognise and radically reduce care work for women and girls.
  • Debt Justice: We articulate how debt remains one of the central mechanisms of perpetuating existing gendered power relations both within the household and in our economies.
  • Feminist Trade Policy: This work analyses regional trade instruments including but not limited to tracking the African Continental Free Area and sheds light on priorities for negotiations in terms of which sectors or reforms may disproportionately affect women, as well as the domestic policies needed to support opportunities from trade for women.
  • Natural Resource Governance and Extractives: This work involves research and advocacy that makes visible the intersections of climate change, economic justice and women’s rights.

Our flagship project, the African Feminist Macroeconomic Academy (AFMA, for short) has been running since 2017 and now has over 200 alumni. AFMA is an intensive capacity development initiative targeting women’s rights organisations, gender advocates, movement leaders, researchers and journalists working towards achieving the realisation of women’s rights.

The objectives of AFMA are to:

  • Deepen participants’ understanding of how economic policies shape the everyday lives of women in Africa.
  • Build a cohort of feminist economists with deeper knowledge and skills to shape discourse and influence policy and practice for Africa.
  • Continuously contribute to the body of knowledge through research and production of policy papers, tools and other material resources.
  • Support and coordinate effective advocacy campaigns by members on women’s economic justice, and facilitate effective exchange, networking and synergies in members’ work and efforts.

Our previous AFMAs have taken a deep dive into themes:

  • 2017 – Theme: Engendering Macroeconomic Policies in Africa
  • 2018 – Theme: The Future of Work for Women in Africa
  • 2019 –  Theme: Maximising finance for development – But for whom?
  • 2020 – Theme: Harnessing the women– Where are they?
  • 2021 – Theme:  Promoting a Feminist Approach to Delivery and Financing of Public Services in Africa
  • 2022 – AFMA-East Africa Theme: Debt and Women’s Rights: A Pan African Feminist Perspective
  • AFMA-West Africa Theme: Monetary Sovereignty and Financialization
  • 2023 – AFMA- South Africa Theme: African Feminist Alternative to the Finalisation of Everyday Life
  • 2024- AFMA North Africa Theme: Exploring the Feminisation of Agriculture in the context of Security and Climate Resilience
  • In 2022, AFMA went Subregional, we have now covered North, South, East and West Africa.
Zambia Fair Tax Monitor Gender Report Analysis

Tax Justice for women and girls

Weaving our Fabric

The Care Economy


Debt Justice

April, of Virtual Launches and Virtual Festivals! - April 2021 E-Bulletin

Feminist Trade Policy


Natural Resource Governance & Extractives

Debt & Women’s Rights: A Pan African Feminist Perspective

Since 2017, The African Women’s Development and Communication Network (FEMNET) has been deepening knowledge and enhancing capacities and

Promoting a feminist approach to delivery and financing of public services in Africa – FEMNET AFMA 2021 Report

From November 15-19, Dakar hosted AFMA 2021, the first African Feminist Macroeconomic Academy (AFMA) to be held in

Promouvoir une approche féministe au financement et a la prestation des services publics en Afrique – Rapport FEMNET AFMA 2021

Du 15 au 19 novembre, Dakar a accueilli l’AFMA 2021, la première Académie Macro-économique Féministe Africaine (AFMA) à

Feminist Trade Policy: Report of AFMA 2020

In 2020, the African Feminist Macroeconomic Academy (AFMA) went online… With a new online portal and content created

The DADA Power1 Podcast, by the African Women’s Development and Communication Network (FEMNET) with support from the African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF), serves as an influential platform that delves into African feminist principles concerning economic justice and rights for women and girls in Africa. This podcast plays a crucial role in stimulating important conversations and offering clear explanations of complex gender and macroeconomic concepts, theories, and principles by highlighting lived experiences.

We are proud members and co-leaders of the following coalitions:

  • Stop the Bleeding Campaign
  • Economic Justice and Rights Action Coalition
  • Global Gender and Trade Network
  • Women’s working group on Financing for Development
  • BRICS Feminist Watch
  • Co-designers of the Feminist Accountability Framework for the Generation Equality Forum

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