In September 2021, Rose Njilo; a 40-year-old human rights activist of Maasai origin from Ngorongoro, Arusha applied and was successfully admitted to attend the Women in Political Participation (WPP) Leadership Academy. This four-day intensive training was hosted by FEMNET in collaboration with her Wanawake Ni Viongozi coalition members in Tanzania; Tanzania Media Women’s Association, Crisis Resolving Center and Young & Alive Initiative where 30 grassroots women leaders and political aspirants were trained and equipped with knowledge and requisite skills to effectively participate in election practices and processes in Tanzania.
Rose Njilo, was among the 30 successful applicants selected from across Tanzania and her participation in the academy marked a wake-up call for her to up-scale her human rights championship at the grassroot and position herself for policy reforms in addressing the myriad gender inequality issues affecting her community including poverty, early child marriages, unequal land ownership and under-representation in decision-making spaces.
Having satisfactorily completed the academy, Rose felt empowered, challenged and propelled to register her candidature and vie for the Ngorongoro By-election held on 25th October 2021. As has been the norm the campaign process was not favourable to her due to the ingrained patriarchy, gender stereotypes and retrogressive cultures that consider a woman second class. With determination, Rose vied and emerged sixth among the nine contestants.
“The academy renewed my hope to champion for my community’s human rights through legislation. I thank FEMNET and partners for instilling the knowledge,” remarked Rose Njilo.
The result of the election did not kill her spirit as the experience gave her more motivation to push for human rights in decision-making processes. Rose, alluded her performance to among many other hindrances, the lack of academic qualification.
While attending a thematic dialogue session with East African Community (EAC) secretariat and East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) in Arusha in November 2021, Rose Njilo shared her political journey and her story inspired EALA Women Caucas to support and mentor her.
Speaking at the closing ceremony, the Guest of Honor Rt. Hon. Rebeca Kadaga; Guest of Honor and First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of EAC Affairs in Uganda applauded Rose Njilo for her bravery and mobilized the participants to fundraise towards Rose’s enrolment in college in 2022.
“If we truly want to achieve gender equality, we must support Rose to achieve her full potential. In addition to the funds raised, I will follow up to ensure that she gets enrolled in a reputable higher learning institution as we walk this journey together,” said Hon. Kadaga.
The gesture by the women parliamentarians to support Rose Njilo is an aspiring outcome where women and girls are expected to actively participate in meetings organized by the project, speak out against discrimination against women, create networks with women in politics, get involved in political parties and eventually run for elections.
The women political leaders in Arusha in return exhibited the spirit of the WPP project by actively participating in the thematic dialogue, agreeing to support Rose in her political leadership journey and continue to champion for gender equality in the assembly.