We Lead strengthens the potential of rightsholder organizations to claim a more prominent role in broader SRH-R and human rights advocacy spaces and develop and pursue their own advocacy agenda. We believe in the right of every individual to decide about her, or his or their own body and sexual and reproductive life. It is against this backdrop that we brought together WE LEAD rightsholders to the Girls and Young Women Festival in Ghana to include their voices, and empower their SRH-R agenda . The WE LEADs rightsholders were able to shape and sharpen their SRHR advocacy skills and also collaborate on joint actions. Below are the lessons learned from

Abdoulaye Kadiatou (Niger)

Les domaines prioritaires pour moi sont l’hygiène menstruelle, l’accès à des informations fiables et à des services de SR et surtout l’adaptation de ces services aux besoins réels des jeunes. Voici mon agenda SDSR

Birungi Esther (Uganda)

Sexual and Reproductive Health is a human right.

SRHR is essential to human life and to overall health and well-being. SRHR is not only a crucial part of healthcare, but they also constitute an essential element for achieving gender equality and promoting women’s rights. This is my SRHR Agenda

Bolaji Margaret (Nigeria) 

I believe every woman, every girl – no matter where she is born or found deserves access to quality and equitable education and health, it is not only her right – it is the smartest and best way to secure the future of a country

Fadima Mahamadou (Niger)

Je pense que les droits en santé  sexuelle et reproductives visent à promouvoir une vie autonome, une sexualité libre et consentie, sans violences ni discrimination. Ils constituent une condition essentielle au progrès vers l’égalité de genre et au développement d’une société plus équitable et plus juste. oici mon programme en matière de DSSR #SRHRDialogues

Martha Nzomo (Kenya)

I am an African child. I will be relentless in advocating for the rights of women and girls with disabilities. This is my SRHR agenda

Oniyide Olutoni (Nigeria)

I believe that there should be an  EQUITABLE AFRICA, where girls’ and women’s voices and needs matter.My SRHR agenda is to dismantle patriarchy because it deliberately  puts women in a powerless space.

Sheirat Namanyanja (Uganda)

I believe that as African child I have a chance to live the life I deserve, embrace my past but also make it better by making informed decisions. This is my SRHR agenda

Sumiya Ali (Kenya)

I believe there should be more representation for girls & young women of all color and age groups to have a diverse conversation”.

Wanda Sue (Mozambique)

Eu acredito que ao tirar as raparigas de caixas e papéis de contrições sociais iremos libertar de muitas práticas nocivas praticadas continuamente. Esta é a minha agenda SDSR

WE LEAD contributes to the attainment of SDG3 and SDG5 (particularly targets 3.1, 3.3, 3.7, and 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, and 5.6) and seeks to ensure that there is greater freedom of choice for young people about their sexuality and more respect for the Sexual and Reproductive Rights (SRH).

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